
Capurro S. (2024): Phlebotherapy (TRAP) of telangiectasias and ectatic veins in esthetic and functional medicine. CRPUB Medical Video Journal. Phlebotherapy section.

Capurro S. (2023): Two-syringe TRAP technique for treating telangiectasias. CRPUB Medical Video Journal. Phlebotherapy section.

Capurro S. (2021): Tumescence TRAP to compress the veins. CRPUB Medical Video Journal. Phlebotherapy section.

Capurro S. (2017): Troncular Veins, Reticular Veins and Telangiectasia: Phlebotherapy (TRAP) an original approach. CRPUB Medical Video Journal. Phlebotherapy section.

Capurro S. (2015): Введение в курс Тридименсиональной Регенеративной Амбулотариальной Флеботерапии (TRAP). CRPUB Medical Video Journal. Phlebotherapy section.

Capurro S. (2014): Introduction to the course of Phlebotherapy (TRAP). CRPUB Medical Video Journal. Phlebotherapy section.

Capurro S. (2013): Fleboterapia (TRAP): tratamiento biológico dell’infermidad varicosa. CRPUB Medical Video Journal. Phlebotherapy section.

Capurro S. (2012): Phlébothérapie: un outre façon de traiter les varices. CRPUB Medical Video Journal. EMAA/CIMEMI Paris. Phlebotherapy Section.

Capurro S.(2011): From Sclerotherapy and Ablation Surgery to Phlebotherapy (TRAP): key concepts CRPUB video journal. Phlebotherapy section.

Cosimi M. (2009) Case report: Three-dimensional Regenerative Ambulatory Phlebotherapy for incontinent perforating veins in patients who have already undergone multiple phlebectomies. CRPUB video journal. Phlebotherapy section.

Capurro S .(2009). A venous ulcer cured by a single treatment of TRAP. CRPUB video journal Phlebotherapy section.

Capurro S.(2008): Three-dimensional Regenerative Ambulatory Phlebotherapy (TRAP), a new concepts for treating varicose disease. CRPUB video journal. Phlebotherapy section.