Imagine that numerous traumatic insertions of the cannula are no longer necessary in order to graft the fat. Have a shot at your main success by free spin no deposit.
Imagine that hardening of the adipose lobules, irregularities and calcifications no longer exist.
Imagine being able to aspirate the fat through a cannula 4 mm in diameter, taking less time and causing only minimal damage to the material aspirated.
Imagine being able to separate the stromal cells from the adipose cells easily.
Imagine needing only a few seconds to prepare the lipo-aspirate, once it has been washed.
Adipofilling is all this and much more.
Adipofilling® is used in several therapeutic fields: plastic and reconstructive surgery, esthetic surgery, orthopedic surgery, oral and maxillo-facial surgery, general surgery, vascular surgery and heart surgery.
Adipofilling® exerts regenerative and volume-enhancing effects; this latter is determined by the fact that the adipocytes in the suspension remain intact.
The lipoaspirate is washed, fragmented by means of the Adipopimer® and centrifuged at 400 rpm for 4 minutes; on the surface, we can see a thin layer of oil and the white layer of stromal cells containing the stem cells.
Visit the Adipofilling® section on Medical Video Journal, ISSN 1971-8152